Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Please join us for a virtual Town Hall to learn about UFV’s 2022-23 Consolidated Budget Recommendation and investment priorities. A Question & Answer period will follow the presentation, if time permitting, where panelists will be available to answer your budget questions.
Introduction: Joanne MacLean, President & Vice-Chancellor
Presenter: Betty Poettcker, AVP, Planning & Resource Allocation
Moderator: Al Wiseman, University Secretariat
Panelists: James Mandigo, Provost & VP Academic; Jackie Hogan, CFO & VP Administration; Alisa Webb, VP Students; Craig Toews, VP External
This is a virtual event so please register to attend. A meeting link will be provided prior to the date. Submitting your question in advance through the form below will help ensure it will be answered.
Please register for this event through Zoom.
Event Location
Map UnavailableBudget Town Hall
Date(s): Tuesday, March 8Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Categories