Time: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Campus Wayfinding Tours
Whether you’re a brand new student at UFV, or you’ve been studying with us for a while, we know your upcoming semester may come with a lot of emotions as UFV transitions back into in-person learning environments. To help you get ready for your Fall 2021 semester, the Orientation team is providing wayfinding tours of the Abbotsford and Chilliwack UFV campuses for any registered UFV student who would like to attend.
What to expect
Worried about finding your way around campus? Sign up for a guided wayfinding tour of the Abbotsford or Chilliwack UFV campus!
Each tour will last approximately 1.5 hours, has a capacity for up to 12 students, and will be led by a current UFV student or staff member. You’ll get a chance to meet fellow students, ask questions to your tour guide, and get to know your way around classrooms, support service locations, and the accessibility of each campus.
Click the link below to book a tour and read more about what to expect from your campus tour, including what to bring with you to be prepared, and how to get to campus to meet up with your tour guide.
Event Location
Map UnavailableCampus Wayfinding Tours
Date(s): Tuesday, August 24Time: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Event Categories