Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Climate Change Theatre Action 2021
Directed by Elaine Ávila
Register today!
UFV Theatre presents the first production of its 2021-2022 theatre season, Climate Change Theatre Action 2021, directed by visiting guest artist Elaine Ávila.
Climate Change Theatre Action 2021 is a globally distributed theatre festival, now in its fourth iteration, made up of 51 short plays by world-renowned playwrights and creators from every continent on earth, to encourage conversation, community, and action around the climate crisis. This festival is presented in conjunction with the biannual United Nation Climate Change Talks, held this year in Glasgow (COP 26).
UFV Theatre is excited to release 10 theatrical videos of these short and engaging plays, launching a restart to creating, rehearsing, and designing theatre live and in person. The plays range from an exploration of the personal costs of turning Canada into an ecological preserve 150 years in the future, to the comic perspective of a baby salmon in our waterways in B.C., to an in depth look at what “consultation” between government and First Nations truly means, from the perspective of a Palawa author.
Performances will be held via zoom and tickets are free; however, audience members are encouraged to make a donation to the UFV Indigenous Student Emergency Fund when they reserve tickets.
We encourage audience members to educate themselves about the ongoing legacy of residential schools and the relationship between climate change and the intergenerational effects of colonization.
Video Performances: November 25 and 26 at 7pm, and November 27 at 2pm, via Zoom.
Post Performance Talkbacks will occur after every show, which promise to enhance audience members’ understanding of the performance.
Bookings can be made through Eventbrite.
Ticket registration ends 2 hours before performance start times.
Email theatre@ufv.ca for questions.
For more information about UFV Theatre productions go to //ufv.ca/plays
Event Location
Map UnavailableClimate Change Theatre Action 2021
Date(s): Saturday, November 27Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm