Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Embodying Self-care: Why Mindfulness Matters
This presentation addresses the personal and professional development of self. The process of understanding what mindfulness is begins with firsthand experience. Engaging in mindfulness-based practices gives you the practical opportunity to get to know and explore the landscape of your own being. This includes awareness of your thoughts, emotions and of body sensations. Going further it includes social awareness, the environment of being in relationship with others and learning how to foster connection deeply. We are better for this practice and so are those we relate to. Mindfulness invites us into the preciousness of each moment. Come and share the chance to reconnect to self-care, wellness and increased attunement personally and professionally.
Facilitator: Christine Slavik
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/embodying-self-care-why-mindfulness-matters-tickets-120646636337
Event Location
Map UnavailableEmbodying Self-care: Why Mindfulness Matters
Date(s): Thursday, November 12Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm