Educators Journey Towards Reconciliation

Date(s): Monday, August 28 - Tuesday, August 29 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

We will go through a journey to discover challenges and best practices in decolonizing our education practice and spaces. Through reflecting on your experiences and knowledge of colonial history and an the impacts on Indigenous peoples, we will work through activities based on decolonization, Indigenization, and reconciliation practices. Our journey continues on to creating a culturally safe learning environment and Indigenizing through reconciling Indigenous worldviews, ways of knowing and being. We will practice reciprocity, respect, responsibility, and relevance throughout our journey together.

**Please note, it is expected that you have a basic understanding of colonial history, issues, and terminology related to this workshop. I encourage you to read the Pulling Together: Foundations Guide to become familiar prior to attending this workshop.


Aug 28-29, 2023– ABB Campus, room G124  (2 days) 9am to 4pm each day

To Register, contact Lorna Andrews


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Educators Journey Towards Reconciliation
Date(s): Monday, August 28 - Tuesday, August 29
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
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