Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Name Place Tour – Guided Cultural Road Tour (Via bus)
‘Bad Rock” Place Names tour (Chilliwack to Hope, through to Yale and return)
Enjoy the majestic mountains and waterways of the Upper Fraser Valley on a tour destined for the scenic Fraser Canyon above historic Yale B.C. Listen and learn about the unique relationship between the Stó:lō, “the River People”, their land and their environment.
Special stops of interests may include the fishing rock known as Kw’ik-w’iyá:la (Coquihalla); the pool of origin for the sacred sxwó:yxwey mask; hear about the s’ó:lmexw or “waterbabies” and the
mimestíyexw or the “little people” of the forest; see the remains of a sqémél (pithouse: or in Chinook “keekwillie”) last used in the 1880’s; and see where Xexá:ls the transformers left scratch marks at a place where he did battle with Xéylxe-lamós, an Indian Doctor; hear about the stl’áleqem or spiritual beings. Learn up to 120 Halq’méylem place names including the original names of Lhílheqey for Mt. Cheam, Ts’qó:ls for Hope, Xwoxwelá:lhp for Yale, and Xéylxelamós for Lady Franklin Rock, and many other Halq’eméylem Place Names.
Bad Rock Road Tour Itinerary Full Day: Begins at 9:00 am and runs for the full day to 4:00 pm with stops of interest and lunch break. (You are welcomed to bring your own lunch or purchase from Hope vendor) Travel from: Chilliwack (SRC) up the valley to Tomtomiyeqw Lookout, Thunderbird Mountain, Kawakawa Lake, Coquihalla Fishing Rock, Telte-Yet Pithouse then through to the Lady Franklin Rock (Bad Rock) in Yale. A full day cultural experience along the Fraser River roadways and Canyon regions. Learn over 100 placenames and see the ancient majestic surroundings in whole new world. Discover. Explore. Experience.
A bus will pick up participants in the Abbotsford campus bus loop.
Date: Friday, October 20th, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bad-rock-name-place-tour-tickets-676275316677?aff=oddtdtcreator
Event Location
Map UnavailableName Place Tour – Guided Cultural Road Tour (Via bus)
Date(s): Friday, October 20Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Event Categories