Date(s): Friday, November 4
Time: 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Location: : Student Union Building (SUB)
Time: 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Time: 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Location: : Student Union Building (SUB)
Please joins us for a two-day Fraser Valley Literary Festival which runs from November 3-4, 2022. This event will include inspiring and award-winning authors on writing, craft, and the writing life in contemporary Canada!
Thursday, November 3, 2022.
Doors open at 3:30 pm. Event starts at 4 pm with light reception to follow.
Keynote Speakers:
- Jordan Abel – Award winning Nisga’a writer, including Un/inhabited, winner of the Griffin Poetry Prize.
- Marsha Lederman – Author of Kiss the Red Stairs: The Holocaust Once Removed, and the Globe and Mail’s Western Arts correspondent.
- Harrison Mooney – An award winning writer and journalist, and the author of the memoir Invisible Boy. @HarrisonMooney
Friday, November 4, 2022
Doors open at 11:45 am. Event starts at 12pm-3:15 pm with light refreshments served in between panels.
Panel 1: Lie to Me: Truth and Fiction in Writing (Moderator: Harrison Mooney) 12-1:30 pm
- Gurjinder Basran – Winner of the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize for her debut novel Everything Was Good-bye.
- Carlie Blume – Author of Gigglepuss, and a graduate from Simon Fraser University’s The Writers Studio @carliejblume
- Alicia Elliott – Winner of the National Magazine Awards for A Mind Spread Out On The Ground and RBC Taylor Emerging Writer Awards.
- Shawn Hitchins – A Toronto-based comedian, actor, and a prolific author.
Panel 2: The Fantastic & the Mundane: Symbolism in the Everyday Panel (Moderator: Marsha Lederman) 1:45pm-3:15 pm
- Tawahum Bige – A Łutselkʼe Dene, Plains Cree poet and spoken word artist
- Curtis LeBlanc – Author of Good for Nothing and Little Wild.
- Annick MacAskill – Author of three poetry collections and finalist for various literary honours including the CBC Poetry Prize.
- Isabella Wang – Author of the chapbook on Forgetting a Language and was the youngest writer to be shortlisted for the New Quarterly’s Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest.
For more info on each panelist, please visit our social media sites:
Facebook: Fraser Valley Literary Festival
Twitter: @FVLitFest
Instagram: fvlitfest
Event Location : Student Union Building (SUB)
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Fraser Valley Literary Festival
Date(s): Friday, November 4Time: 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Event Categories
- *_UFV Events
- College of Arts
- Donors and friends
- English and Creative Writing
- Library
- Orientation
- Student Services
- UFV LIbrary
- Writer in Residence