Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Location: : Abbotsford Campus
Reaching Out Together: Connections Through Social Work
Keynote and conference sessions. See detailed program on our website.
Connections are integral to social work. As individuals and as social workers, we are constantly creating meaningful alliances and fostering cooperation in our day to-day lives. What does this look like in practice, scholarship, and research?
Reaching Out Together: Connections Through Social Work will profile innovative and alternative practices and research collaborations. Our ultimate goal for this conference is to facilitate dynamic, significant connections between participants that will inspire further collaboration locally, nationally, and internationally.
Join us for a variety of learning opportunities such as applicable practice-based workshops, themed networking sessions, egaging research presentations and more.
Participants will learn alternative, indigenous, anti-oppressive, and feminist based practice models in a variety of areas such as mental helth, child welfare, and at-risk youth.
Register today!
Please contact swhsconferenceinfo@ufv.ca for more information and other ways to participate or contribute. We look forward to connecting with you!
Event Location : Abbotsford Campus
Map UnavailableConference Reaching Out Together: Connections Through Social Work
Date(s): Thursday, April 30Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Event Categories