Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
The College of Arts and Peace and Reconciliation Centre present
Islamophobia: Seeking solutions for hate
Eradicating Islamophobia and the systemic structures of racism
Wednesday, June 23
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Zoom Link- https://bit.ly/2RXiPZI
Free – Open to public
Email – parc@ufv.ca
“Our heart goes out to the Afzaal family and all members of the Muslim community in the wake of this heinous hate-motivated mass murder. This tragic act of violence tears at the very fabric of our society and reveals that Islamophobia and racism are alive and well in Canada.
We know that this crime will cause all members of the Islamic faith to fear for their lives and to feel that they cannot be safe within Canada.
We must all do everything we can to counter this and to affirm for Muslims that we are committed to eradicating Islamophobia and the systemic structures of racism.”
Dr. Keith Carlson
PARC Director
Event Location
Map UnavailableIslamophobia: Seeking solutions for hate
Date(s): Wednesday, June 23Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Categories