Time: 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Psychology Honours Panel
Psychology Honours Research Panel
Friday April 9th, 2021 12:30-2:00pm – Zoom
The Psychology department has many amazing honours students completing their research projects each year!
We want to share the work honours students and faculty advisors do, so we are organizing a Zoom presentation with this year’s honours students. It will be an informal presentation. The students will briefly discuss their work and answer questions from the moderator about their research projects. If time permits, they might be able to answer a few questions from the audience.
All members of the UFV community are welcome to attend. Please come and support our students and find out about local psychology research.
Contact Tracy Porter at Tracy.Porter@ufv.ca for an invitation.
If you are a student thinking of applying to the honours program, or hoping to do a directed studies project, please join us!
Event Location
Map UnavailablePsychology Honours Panel
Date(s): Friday, April 9Time: 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Categories