Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Tools for Your Toolkit: Biomechanical Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis, featuring Dr. Gillian Hatfield (UFV) and Jesse Charlton (UBC)
Hosted by the Esposito Family Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
In this talk, Dr. Gillian Hatfield and Jesse Charlton will discuss the biomechanical risk factors for knee osteoarthritis progression, and what current non-invasive and non-pharmacological treatment options are available for individuals with knee osteoarthritis. These conservative, biomechanical treatments include shoe orthotics and gait modification. The link between muscle activity and knee loading will be discussed, as will future research directions in this area.
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Dr. Gillian Hatfield, Assistant Professor, School of Kinesiology, UFV
Gillian Hatfield graduated with a PhD in Biomedical Engineering in 2013. She also holds a physiotherapy degree. Her research interests lie in biomechanics and muscle activation patterns in clinical populations, such as people with knee osteoarthritis or low back pain. She is particularly interested in the effect of exercise interventions on biomechanical risk factors for progression. Dr. Hatfield teaches Introduction to Biomechanics, Applied Biomechanics, and Introduction to Athletic Injuries in the School of Kinesiology at UFV. She is also an EFCIE faculty associate.
Jesse M. Charlton MSc, PhD(c), UBC
Jesse is currently a PhD candidate in the Rehabilitation Sciences program at the University of British Columbia. His research focuses on applying new technologies, like wearable sensors (the ones in your smart phones), to measure human motion in the laboratory and during daily at-home activity. His goal is to use these, and other biomechanical tools, to identify risk factors, and develop ways of monitoring and delivering interventions for improving the lives of people with musculoskeletal disease.
Questions? Email us at innovate@ufv.ca
Event Location
Map UnavailableTools for Your Toolkit: Biomechanical Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis (Hosted by EFCIE)
Date(s): Thursday, February 4Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm